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Tear Trough Filler

Tear Trough Filler

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Introduction to tear trough filler

As we age, the facial tissues lose volume, causing a tired-looking appearance, lines and wrinkles, and dark circles under the eyes. At Clinic Dr Dray, we offer a revolutionary treatment that specifically targets these concerns — the tear trough filler. Our focus is always on achieving subtle, natural results that enhance your unique facial anatomy without giving the appearance of added volume.

in this article


Main Points

Clinic Time

30 minutes


Numbing cream






6 - 12 months


30 minutes


Numbing cream





Back to Work



6 - 12 months


Tear Trough Filler - Before
Tear Trough Filler - After



<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">During the consultation, a thorough assessment of the individual's condition, medical history, and desired results is conducted. This allows your doctor to determine the most suitable treatment and formulate a customised treatment plan.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To ensure a comfortable procedure, a topical anaesthetic may be used. This helps to minimise any discomfort during the injection process.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The treatment procedure is quick and minimally invasive. A transparent gel containing the active ingredients is injected into the desired areas using a fine needle. The procedure typically takes just a few minutes per treatment area.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">After the treatment, your doctor may also recommend specific skincare products to enhance the effects of the treatment.</span></p>


Customised Treatment Plan

At Clinic Dr Dray, we take a bespoke approach to tear trough filler treatments. We understand that every individual’s facial anatomy and aesthetic goals are unique, and so, we tailor our treatments to each person.

Skilled Practitioners

Our clinic is staffed by highly skilled practitioners who have extensive experience in performing tear trough filler treatments. Their deep understanding of facial anatomy, combined with advanced techniques, ensures safe procedures and natural-looking results.

Highest Quality Product

We only use premium hyaluronic acid dermal fillers from top manufacturers. These high-quality products provide safe, reliable, and long-lasting results.

Where Can I Have This Treatment?

You can have the tear trough filler treatment at our clinic in London. Our clinic is designed with your comfort and safety in mind, providing a relaxed and professional environment for your treatments. We invite you to book a consultation and explore the transformative potential of this procedure at our clinic in London.

Our team of skilled doctors at Clinic Dr Dray are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and addressing your unique concerns. We invite you to book a consultation.



Tear trough fillers are a type of dermal filler treatment that involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the tear trough area, which is the space beneath your eyes where dark circles appear. This treatment is designed to counteract the volume loss in facial tissues that happens as part of the natural ageing process, smoothing out lines and wrinkles and reducing the appearance of dark circles. The fillers work by filling in the deep creases and stimulating collagen production to improve the quality of the skin beneath your eyes.

Yes, tear trough fillers are generally considered safe. As with other dermal filler treatments and injectable treatments, there can be some temporary side effects such as bruising and mild swelling. In rare cases, there might be uneven results or lumpiness, but these risks are minimal when the procedure is performed by skilled practitioners.

The effects of tear trough fillers can typically last between 9 to 12 months, though this can vary depending on individual factors like your metabolism and lifestyle.

The tear trough filler treatment involves the injection of small amounts of hyaluronic acid-based filler into the tear trough area. This is done using a very fine needle or cannula under a topical anaesthetic to ensure comfort. The whole process takes only a few minutes per side, with virtually no downtime.

A topical anaesthetic is applied prior to the procedure to minimise discomfort, so most patients report little to no pain during the tear trough filler injections.

Yes, tear trough fillers can help to reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes significantly. They work by restoring lost volume to the under eye area, leading to a fresher, more youthful appearance.

While tear trough fillers and other dermal fillers involve hyaluronic acid to restore volume and rejuvenate the skin, tear trough treatment specifically targets the under eye area. This delicate region often shows signs of ageing first due to the very thin skin and natural volume loss.

Yes, tear trough fillers can be combined with other injectable treatments or dermal fillers for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. It’s common to combine them with cheek fillers to enhance the upper cheek volume and provide a natural transition between the lower eyelid and cheek area.

The results from tear trough fillers are often immediate, with most patients noticing a significant improvement in the appearance of dark circles, lines, and wrinkles in the under eye area right after the treatment. However, the final results can take a few weeks to settle as any minor swelling subsides.

The best way to determine the right tear trough treatment for you is to book an initial consultation with a qualified practitioner who deeply understands facial anatomy and the tear trough area. They can assess your skin quality, discuss your aesthetic goals, and help you understand the different options available to you.

Our team of skilled doctors at Clinic Dr Dray are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and addressing your unique concerns. We invite you to book a consultation.


Anti Wrinkle Injections

anti-wrinkle injection

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, perfecting the rejuvenation effect of Tear Trough Filler.

Platelet Rich Plasma PRP


Enhances skin health, adding to the youthful and refreshed appearance post Tear Trough Filler.



Provides skin tightening and improves texture, complementing the results of Tear Trough Filler.


Improves skin hydration and firmness, providing a boost to Tear Trough Filler treatment.

Platelet Rich Plasma PRP


Enhances cell growth and healing, facilitating an efficient recovery post Tear Trough Filler.

Lip Filler

lip filler

Augments lip volume, providing balance to the facial rejuvenation achieved with Tear Trough Filler.

As Featured In

As Featured In

Our team of skilled doctors at Clinic Dr Dray are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and addressing your unique concerns. We invite you to book a consultation.

If you would like to book a consultation please use the form below or email – info@drdray.co.uk